saffron type 2 diabetes

Saffron is a plant that produces saffron through bulbs. The onion of this plant has a brown covering that protects it. After planting, this plant starts to grow and forms a stem (crown) at the end of which a bud is formed. After flowering, a purple flower is adorned with 6 petals that protect 3 red stigmas. These three red stigmas are the delicious substance that is prepared with great effort.

saffron type 2 diabetes

saffron type diabetes

saffron type diabetes Saffron has compounds that make this valuable plant different from other plants. The quality of saffron is measured through these compounds in the laboratory. The higher the percentage of these compounds, the higher the quality of saffron and thus has a great impact on the properties of saffron.

Types of original saffron:

Unlike other spices, saffron has different types, in each type, the saffron threads are not the same, and this difference depends on the type of harvest, separation (filling) of saffron flower, the climate of the region and finally its quality.

We have listed the types of saffron from the highest quality to the lowest quality.

1) Super Nagin saffron: In Super Nagin saffron, the percentage of safranal and crocin is the highest, and it has a very high color and aroma compared to other types of saffron

2) Semi-precious saffron: The coloring of this type of saffron is much higher than other types of saffron, but it does not reach Super-precious saffron.

3) Negin saffron: In Negin saffron, there is no curling and bending of the saffron strands, and the branches are separate from each other and completely red.

4) Sargol saffron: There is no evidence of yellowness of saffron and whiteness of saffron (root) in Sargol saffron and it is the most widely used type of saffron.

5) Pushal saffron: Pushal saffron is a saffron that has red stigmas, along with some cream (root).

6) Bunch saffron: In this type of saffron, the saffron stigmas are dried in such a way that they are arranged together.

7) Saffron root: The white part of saffron that is at the end of the saffron stigma is called saffron root. Other saffron products include saffron petals, saffron yolk.

Type 2 diabetes is a costly chronic disease whose prevalence is increasing due to increasing obesity and sedentary lifestyle. Lack of proper control of diabetes causes important complications such as arteriosclerosis (macrovascular disease) and microvascular complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Liver diseases such as fatty liver are very common among diabetic patients. Kidney diseases are also very common in diabetic patients, so that a significant number of dialysis patients have been diabetic. Considering the mentioned complications, metabolic control of diabetic patients is very important.

The therapeutic value of saffron is due to the presence of four main metabolites namely crocin, crostin, picrocrocin and safranal. Flavonoids and carotenoids have also been found in saffron. During a study conducted by researchers, the effect of saffron extract on metabolic control indicators and liver function indicators and all patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. The results of this study showed that hydroalcoholic extract of saffron helps control blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes. In addition, saffron helps prevent diabetes complications by adjusting the lipid profile related to blood sugar.

saffron type

saffron type Diabetes or blood sugar disease (usually seen in health advertisements with an empty blue circle) is a dangerous chronic disease related to the two hormones insulin and glucagon and is usually shown to us with blood sugar above 100 and 20 mg. As you know, these days, diabetes has affected many people in different countries, including our country, and different people are suffering from type 1 or type 2 or even pregnancy. So it is appropriate for Zaaforush to go to this topic and share with you the effects that saffron can have in this matter.

Saffron is a plant that produces saffron through onions. The onion of this plant has a brown covering that protects it. After this plant is planted, it starts growing and makes a stem (crown) at the end of which a bud is created.

After flowering, you will be graced with a purple flower with 6 petals guarding 3 red stigmas. These three red stigmas are the delicious substance that is prepared with great effort.

Well, to deal with the properties of saffron for diabetes, we have to go back to our definition of the symptom of diabetes. As we said, when people have high blood sugar, that is, their blood sugar is above 96 to about 120 mg, they have diabetes. So when we talk about saffron for diabetes, we are actually talking about saffron for blood sugar.

Properties of saffron flower for diabetes: direct effects The properties of saffron for diabetes can be examined under two headings: direct and indirect properties and effects. First, let’s go to the part of the properties of saffron for diabetes that are more direct and obvious. You must have heard the name of manganese. Manganese is an essential mineral for the body. Most of the body’s manganese is concentrated in the pancreas, where it helps produce blood insulin. Do you remember what we said above about the relationship between insulin and diabetes? The role of insulin is to regulate blood sugar. Therefore, it is directly related to diabetes. Well, if you consider the fact that saffron contains manganese, our discussion about saffron for diabetes is complete. Saffron directly helps the production of insulin in the body, and in this sense, it can help you control diabetes.

Properties of saffron for diabetes: indirect effects Diabetes, like most of the physical problems and diseases that plague mankind, is very related to the nerves and psyche. That is, if a person with diabetes is stressed and nervous, there will certainly be more disturbances in his blood sugar control. This is where saffron shows itself and is known as a substance whose syrup and infusion can heal nerves for strengthening, relaxation and happiness. In fact, one of the most important properties of saffron for diabetes can be to help reduce the depression of this disease. Properties of saffron for depression In fact, saffron causes serotonin to be secreted in the brain, and this causes cheerfulness and a better mood, and that secreted serotonin prevents depression.

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