sargol saffron at wholesale price

Saffron is an important and valuable plant that is used for food, medicine and industrial purposes. Known as saffron among the Arabs and saffron among the Americans, it is the most expensive spice in the world and is nicknamed red gold. In fact, saffron is an Iranian plant that is cultivated in Iran, especially in Mashhad and South Khorasan, and is of great export importance to Iran. Iran is the largest exporter of saffron in the world; However, other countries such as Afghanistan, Spain, Greece, Tallinn, Aqadir and Morocco have also planted this valuable plant. For example, is one of the most famous types of saffron in the world, after Iranian saffron. For more information about sargol saffron wholesale price, visit our site.

sargol saffron at wholesale price

What is the best saffron to buy?

What is the best saffron to buy? Saffron orchards are found in arid and semi-arid regions and its fields need to be irrigated 5 times a year. In fact, saffron is one of the products that need little water, so its cultivation in our country is very economical. Harvesting of this plant is usually done in October and November of autumn in saffron farms every year. Types of saffron Negin saffron: In this type of saffron, there is no curvature and the branches are completely separate from each other and have a significant red color. Super Negin is actually the first class type of saffron and of course the most expensive. Sargol saffron: This type of saffron is the most common. In this saffron, there is no yellowness or saffron root. In this type of saffron, the strands are completely separated, the stigmas are not stuck to each other, and it is completely colorful and is a good option for using food. This type of saffron is more popular due to its cheaper price than Negin saffron.

The saffron flag is obtained after separating the rest of the flower components from the yellowness. Usually many people throw away this part of saffron without being aware of its properties and uses. This section has applications such as spices for foods, treatment of tumors, food coloring of sweets. It is also very economical due to its very low price compared to other components of saffron. What are the properties of saffron? Saffron has many properties; Such as increasing immunity due to vitamin C in it, increasing blood circulation, protecting heart health, controlling blood sugar and diabetes, reducing anxiety and antidepressants, improving sleep patterns, preventing cancer from spreading or spreading, increasing happiness and vitality Etc., are just some of the properties of this magical plant. What are the disadvantages of saffron? In addition to its advantages, saffron also has disadvantages.

Excessive consumption causes excessive thinning of the blood and causes nosebleeds, eye and uterine bleeding in women. It also causes vomiting, slow heart rate, jaundice, and dizziness. Consumption of saffron is also strictly forbidden for pregnant women; Because it may cause miscarriage. How to brew saffron? To use this fragrant plant, it must first be thoroughly pounded in a mortar to powder. Then add boiling water and put it in a container for thirty minutes. Then it is ready to add. Of course, the most common method used by housewives is to add boiling water to the samovar and infuse it much sooner. Combining brewed saffron with saffron tea and sweets can be one of the best treats you can give to your special guests. For more information about buying saffron, visit our site.

sargol saffron wholesale suppliers

sargol saffron wholesale suppliers Saffron is still known as Khorasan. Although saffron is produced in many parts of the country, the quality of saffron in Khorasan, especially in the Ghaenat region, still ranks first in the country. If you, dear compatriots in Tehran, intend to buy the original Ghaenat saffron, there is no need to worry. You can travel to Khorasan without spending time and money; Get Ghaenat saffron at your door! Buying saffron from our store is one hundred percent guaranteed. If you are unhappy after receiving the product, you can return the saffron to us with a money back guarantee. For more information about sargol saffron wholesale suppliers, visit our site.

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